Chlorfenvinphos – Organophosphate

Insecticides Chlorfenvinphos - Organophosphate

Chlorfenvinphos is an organophosphate insecticide and acaracide with contact and stomach action. It is used in the control of insect pests associated with crop protection, in farm hygiene and animal health programmes particularly in and around high-density animal breeding areas including piggeries, poultry houses, dairies, feedlots and municipal refuse collection areas as a drench or spray for controlling fly breeding in manure and decomposing organic matter. As an ectoparasiticide it is applied as a topical application to cattle, sheep, horses, domestic pets and to a lesser extent antelope and goats to control ticks, fleas and flies. It is used in a wide variety of formulations that include: emulsifiable concentrates, suspension concentrates and ultra-low volume (ULV)liquids.

It can be used on its own or in combination with other insecticides and the synergist piperonal butoxide that enhances the activity of an insecticide and assists in overcoming metabolic (detoxification) resistance.

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